Bulk Sample Shipment

Please ship your bulk samples (samples in solution and not grids) in Eppendorf, or similar tubes.  Samples may be shipped cold on dry ice or with ice packs.  In all cases, make sure to provide absorbent materials in case of leakage.

  1. Before shipping your samples, confirm with PNCC staff the contents and reason for the shipment. 
  2. Please email your tracking number to support@pncc.online.

Grid Shipment

Please ship your clipped and approved grids in autoloader grid boxes using a Dry Shipper (Extended Time Cryogenic Refrigerator) - Preparing a Dry Shipper for further training on this please visit Cryo-EM Merit Badge: Cryogenic Sample Shipping

  1. Enter grid details into PNCC User Portal
  2. Include in the dry shipper a shipment return label* to return the dewar.
    • Ship to PNCC (First Overnight): any day after Monday, making sure we receive them by Friday. Users may determine which priority shipping to select for return shipments. 
  3. For International shipments, please include a copy of declarations paperwork needed to ship your dewar back. Make sure to complete this paperwork before shipment pickup to ensure the smoothest delivery with customs.
  4. Initiate shipment of grids in PNCC User Portal
    • Confirmation of shipment complete with QR code and shipping ID must be included in dry shipper 
  5. A Pre-Screened Grid Form (pdf version will be required at time of scheduling) 
    • For all SPA and tomography requests.
    • Please refer to our Guide to "Krios-Ready" Grids as a reference for optimal and suboptimal grids.

 Note: If you want to receive frozen grids back, you must ship a Dry Shipper to PNCC with a shipment return label* to return the dewar

*Samples sent in shippers without a shipping request submitted in the PNCC Portal, return label or declarations paperwork will not be marked as received. 

BSL-2 Shipments

Follow the above steps for if you are shipping bulk samples or grids. PNCC must follow our Biosafety Offices' recommendations for BSL-2 samples/grids and have this additional guidance to protect our staff's safety:

  1. PNCC cannot return BSL-2 samples, they must be destroyed after imaging.
  2. PNCC can only receive frozen bulk samples that must be double contained.
  3. For grids, clearly mark the shipment so that we can place into our separate BSL-2 dewar.
  4. Follow your institutional shipping rules for all BSL-2 shipments
    • PNCC is not liable for failure to follow federal shipping rules if shipped incorrectly.

Shipping Address

Attn: Claudia López, PNCC Proposal #-----
Oregon Health & Science University
LVMS Mail Code: CL-P2M
2730 S. Moody Ave
Portland OR 97201